Actor Dhanush is celebrating his 37th birthday today on July 28 and on the occasion, not just his fans but even the makers of his next film titled Karnan are super excited. The reason behind the same is the fact that the actor's first look for the film and a glimpse of the film's making will be unveiled on his special day. Everyone has a lot of expectations from the project ever since the superstar joined hands with director Mari Selvaraj. It increased, even more, when the actor himself shared a photo with a sword in his hand during the shooting earlier in January. The good news about the same was shared by the director and producer Kalaippuli S Thanu who took to their respective social media handles and wrote: "Title Look and a glimpse into the making of #Karnan from July 28! @dhanushkraja #MaariSelvaraj @Music_Santhosh #KarnanTitleLook."