Rhea Chakraborty's brother Showik remembered Sushant Singh Rajput and shared some happy pictures with the actor. The Sonchiriya actor died by suicide on June 14. Along with the pictures, he wrote a lengthy heartfelt note for Sushant. "I haven't processed the fact that you aren't here anymore..smiling at the smallest of things,laughing like there's no tomorrow.Happiness for you was not a marker but extreme compassion was.You believed in love and spreading as much love as you could even though you were fighting a battle of your own..You taught me how to look at life with your perspective and I did and saw that you had already lived life more than anyone could've imagined- you made me live with your perspective ,your vision to change the world," Showik Chakraborty wrote on Instagram.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/rhea-chakraborty-s-brother-showik-remembers-sushant-singh-rajput-i-look-up-in-the-sky-and-see-you-637268
Rhea Chakraborty's brother Showik remembers Sushant Singh Rajput: I look up in the sky and see you
published on July 26, 2020