Kareena Kapoor Khan went down memory lane and shared a throwback picture of her mother and yesteryear actress Babita, praising the latter's looks on Sunday. Not just this, she even shared how she enjoyed her 'Sunday binge on acid' by watching an episode of FRIENDS and eating the 'best burger' made by producer Rhea Kapoor. In the sneak peek she shared the 'Jab We Met' actress was seen wearing a polka-dotted pyjama watching the popular sitcom on her iPad while enjoying her feast.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/kareena-kapoor-khan-sharing-mother-s-beautiful-photo-to-enjoying-burger-here-s-how-sunday-looked-like-637362
Sharing mother's beautiful photo to enjoying burger, here's how Kareena Kapoor Khan's Sunday looked like
published on July 26, 2020