TikTok sensation Sachin Tiwari, lookalike of the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, stars in a film with a title shouting out the words Suicide and Murder. A section of fans, media and film industry watchers were naturally quick to infer that the film in question is a biopic of Sushant. Director Shamik Maulik of the film "Suicide Or Murder", however, hastens to quash such ideas. The film is neither a biopic, nor does it deal with Sushant's untimely and tragic death, he insists.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/sushant-singh-rajput-lookalike-sachin-tiwari-starrer-not-a-biopic-of-late-actor-director-637411
Sushant Singh Rajput lookalike Sachin Tiwari starrer not a biopic of late actor: Director
published on July 26, 2020