Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone’s hilarious mega-hit “Chennai Express” hits its seven-year anniversary today. The romantic comedy was outrageous, with clever dialogues, fun music, and glimpses of previous hit films and actors. The Rohit Shetty film was a laugh riot all the way. On the special occasion, Deepika Padukone shared multiple behind-the-scenes pictures from the film, Deepika called them all ‘unforgettable’ memories. “Unforgettable! #7yearsofchennaiexpress #meenamma @itsrohitshetty @iamsrk @redchilliesent @utvfilms,” she captioned her post. One picture showed Deepika caressing Shah Rukh’s face and another showed them sharing a laugh.Take a look:
7 years of Chennai Express: Deepika Padukone shares 'unforgettable memories' with Shah Rukh Khan (In Pics)
published on August 09, 2020