Ahead of Rhea Chakraborty's second hearing in the apex court regarding Sushant Singh Rajput's death case, the late actor's sister Shweta Singh Kirti shared a tweet urging fans to pray for a positive outcome. In the first hearing, the Solicitor General of India Tushar Mehta had announced that the case will be transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Shweta took to her Instagram and shared a photo that read, "Pray...It's powerful."
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/sushant-singh-rajput-sister-shweta-prays-for-positive-outcome-ahead-rhea-chakraborty-supreme-court-hearing-641232
Sushant's sister Shweta prays for 'positive outcome' ahead of Rhea Chakraborty's Supreme Court hearing
published on August 11, 2020