Gulshan Devaiah on Bollywood controversies: People are raising voice with insincerity

Gulshan Devaiah on Bollywood controversies: People are raising voice with insincerity

Actor Gulshan Devaiah feels recent controversies, related to allegations of Bollywood-drug trade nexus as well as nepotism charges, which have been surrounding the film fraternity, do not bother him. "Without taking names, I want to say that the controversies and generalisation that have defamed our film industry in the recent past do not bother me. What bothers me is the people who are raising their voice with a huge amount of insincerity. If you know that you are an influential voice of the film industry, will you not check your own words before uttering them? That is why I have difficulty trusting them. The audience that is observing the toxicity, should sit back and try to understand who is benefitting from these controversies? As an audience, are you?" said the actor.

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