A day after her husband Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett Smith has broken her silence. At the 94th Academy Awards on Sunday night, Jada's husband Will Smith created a storm by slapping presenter Chris Rock after he made a joke about Mrs Smith. Following the controversy, several celebrities from all over the world reacted to the incident, Jada had maintained her silence until today. On Tuesday, Jada shared a cryptic post on Instagram and noted that it was time to focus on ‘healing’.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/jada-pinkett-smith-first-post-after-will-smith-chris-rock-slap-controversy-oscar-latest-celeb-news-2022-03-29-766551
Jada Pinkett Smith's FIRST post after Will Smith-Chris Rock's 'slap' row talks about 'healing'
published on March 29, 2022