SS Rajamouli's RRR has been winning favours among the viewers ever since it hit the screens on March 25. Being an action film, it is attracting the theatre-going audience strongly courtesy of the cinematic extravaganza it delivers through the lead pair Ram Charan and Jr NTR. The movie has ended the first week with Rs 131 crore earnings for the Hindi version and the good thing is that the collections have been steady through the weekdays. Going into the second weekend, things are looking good for RRR. Only thing of worry is that John Abraham's Attack is releasing on April 1 and it may pose a challenge to it since it is from the same genre.
RRR Box Office Day 7: SS Rajamouli's film earns Rs 131.5 crore, beats all Bollywood contenders during COVID
published on March 31, 2022