Abhishek Bachchan starrer 'Dasvi' is all set to hit the OTT screens of Netflix and Jio Cinemas today (April 7). The much-awaited project co-starring Yami Gautam and Nimrat Kaur has left everyone excited soon after its trailer release. Also, the hyped up promotions have also grabbed the eyeballs of many. Directed by Tushar Jalota, the film highlights the importance of education. The story revolves around Junior Bachchan who is playing the role of a rustic politician, Ganga Ram Chaudhary, who later decides to clear his 10th exams. Yami essays jailor Jyoti Deswal and Nimrat as Chief Minister Bimla Devi. If you are planning to watch Abhishek Bachchan's 'Dasvi,' know where to watch it, the release date, how to download it in HD, movie review and other details here.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/ott/abhishek-bachchan-dasvi-releases-today-where-to-watch-netflix-movie-review-box-office-hd-download-2022-04-07-768207
Abhishek Bachchan's 'Dasvi' Releases Today: Where to Watch, Movie Review, Box Office, HD download
published on April 06, 2022