Matches are made in heaven! Well, this is true in the case of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, who are reportedly tying the knot soon. Their love story isn't a regular one, but straight out of a fairytale. Filmmaker Ayan Mukerji played cupid for the two actors. One of Bollywood’s most adorable couples, Ranbir and Alia recently sparked wedding rumours, once again. If reports are to be believed, they will be taking the next step in their relationship by tying the knot this April. The reason behind the mid-April wedding is reported to be the health of Alia's maternal grandfather N Razdan, who is unwell and wishes to see his granddaughter's wedding.
Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor's lovestory Timeline: From childhood crush to fairytale romance
published on April 05, 2022