On a full promotion spree mode for his much-awaited sports drama 'Jersey', actor Shahid Kapoor appeared on the sets of 'India's Got Talent' with his co-star Mrunal Thakur and shook a leg with actor Shilpa Shetty on his famous dance number 'Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai'. Taking to her Instagram handle, Shilpa Shetty, who is one of the judges on 'India's Got Talent' reality TV show, shared a video in which she could be seen dancing with Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur on the 'Kabir Singh' actor's famous peppy track 'Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai' from his 2013 rom-com 'Phata Poster Nikhla Hero'.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/celebrities/shilpa-shetty-grooves-to-tu-mere-agal-bagal-hai-with-shahid-kapoor-mrunal-thakur-watch-2022-04-07-768218
Shilpa Shetty grooves to 'Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai' with Shahid Kapoor, Mrunal Thakur | WATCH
published on April 06, 2022