Kantara Closing Box Office: Rishab Shetty's Kannada blockbuster remained unbeatable at the ticket windows. Successfully completing its eleventh week now, the film saw a drop in the ninth-week post OTT release. Kantara held four weekly records at the Indian box office starting. The film, which released theatrically on September 30, 2022, has almost reached its closing worldwide collections. Written, directed and fronted by Rishab Shetty, the film also released in Hindi, two weeks later and has so far managed to collect over Rs 361 at the Indian box-office.
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/regional-cinema/kantara-closing-box-office-rishab-shetty-kannada-film-becomes-second-biggest-sandalwood-film-after-yash-kgf-2-2022-12-12-830556
Kantara Closing Box Office: Rishab Shetty's film becomes second biggest Sandalwood film after KGF 2
published on December 12, 2022