Action director Parvez Khan, known for his work in films like Sriram Raghavan's "Andhadhun" and "Badlapur", passed away on Monday after suffering a massive heart attack. He was 55. Parvez, who worked in the industry since 1986, was rushed to Ruby Hospital after he complained of chest pain, his longtime associate Nishant Khan told PTI. "He suffered a major heart attack in the morning. He was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead. He didn't have any health issues but felt chest pain last night," Nishant said. Filmmaker Hansal Mehta, who worked with Parvez in the National Award winning 2013 drama "Shahid", said the action director was extremely skilful with his work. "Just heard that action director Parvez Khan is no more. We had worked together in Shahid where he executed the riots sequence in a single take. Very skilful, energetic and a good man.RIP Parvez. Your voice still rings in my ears," Hansal tweeted.
Bollywood action director Parvez Khan dies at 55, Hansal Mehta pays tribute
published on July 27, 2020