Odia actress Deepa Sahu died at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar on Monday (July 27) following her battle with cancer. The actress was reportedly suffering from third stage of uterus cancer for six years. Odia actor Sabyasachi Mishra took to Instagram to confirm the unfortunate death of Deepa Sahu. Sharing a picture of the actress, he wrote, "Another Sad News as our very dear Deepa Sahu left us alone today at 4:02 pm. She was fighting with cancer. She was one of the most successful actress who brought revolution in Odia Album industry. May her soul rest in peace #RIPdeepa #DeepasahuAnother Sad News as our very dear Deepa Sahu left us alone today at 4:02pm. She was fighting with cancer. She was one of the most successful actress who brought revolution in Odia Album industry. May her soul rest in peace #RIPdeepa #Deepasahu."
source https://www.indiatvnews.com/entertainment/regional-cinema/odia-actress-deepa-sahu-dies-35-bhubaneswar-cancer-battle-637512