John Abraham starrer actioner 'Attack' saw its release at the theatres on Friday. With this began its competition with not just Ram Charan and Jr NTR's 'RRR' but also Vivek Agnihotri's 'The Kashmir Files.' As soon as the release, the movie buffs got excited about its box office collections and wanted to know how the film performed on its first day. Well, going by the latest reports, it seems that Lakshya Raj Anand directorial featuring John as a 'super soldier' was unable to impress the masses and managed to rake in around 2.75-3 crore nett. While SS Rajamouli's film has already been declared a superhit and within two days crossed Rs 500 crore at the worldwide box office. On Friday too, the film stood strong and earned a decent amount.
Box Office: John Abraham's 'Attack' performs poorly, no stopping for 'RRR' starring Ram Charan, Jr NTR
published on April 02, 2022