Vikrant Rona release date teaser has finally been released and the announcement of the same was made by none other than Salman Khan. The Hindi teaser revealing the release date of Kichcha Sudeepa starrer was shared by the Bollywood superstar on Saturday at 9.55 am. Previously, India’s biggest superstars like Chiranjeevi, Mohanlal & Simbu announced they will be unveiling the release date teaser of the highly anticipated 3D fantasy film. Taking to Instagram and sharing the video, the actor wrote in the caption, "The world will witness the glory of #VikrantRona in 3D on July 28, 2022. Looks out of the world @kichchasudeepa wishing the best to the team. #VikrantRonaJuly28."
Vikrant Rona: Salman Khan launches release date teaser of Kichcha Sudeepa's film | WATCH
published on April 01, 2022